Friday, April 13, 2012

Random Nature Shot of the Week

Random Old Nature Edible Shot Shots of the Week From Last Year

I came across some old photos taken by a friend of the delicious array of food we sampled at the Nordic Food Festival last year and thought I'd share, now that everyone's had a chance to recover from the oversexed-food-orgy of a promotional image for the event.

Some fish hiding beneath sea-buckthorn mousse.

Smoked salmon, a smoked mussel - like biting into an ocean.
On ocean that happens to have some dill floating in it...

Say 'hello' to my little (tasty) friend.

Pig, as art.

FYI: This year's event takes place August 24 - September 2. If any company would like to sponsor a roundtrip ticket to Copenhagen for this author, I will gladly let you plaster yourself all over this blog and make shameless plugs of your product or service.